Please give generously

Please give generously

Memory Cafe volunteers will be headed to the town centre next Saturday morning (July 27)  not to shop, but to rattle their collection buckets. All donations – whatever you can spare- will go directly to supporting Memory Cafe activities. The continued work of...
Scents of the past

Scents of the past

Scents offer us a good way of reconnecting with our past experiences. Margaret Regan from Sidmouth Museum visited the Memory Cafe on Wednesday armed with aromatics from strongly scented herbs to boot polish to help cafegoers tune in to those memories.she also brought...
Monday Memory Cafe Outings

Monday Memory Cafe Outings

With the weather starting to improve the Memory Cafe have re-started their fortnightly Monday afternoon outings.  The first trip for this year was on Monday 29th April with a visit to the Donkey Sanctuary.  Nine members and volunteers enjoyed an afternoon meeting the...